
A green small caterpillar

This was a story of five days ago. At 7 in the evening, I was tired to do homework. Therefore, I went to the kitchen. I decided to cut down green beans, and boil them up. While I was cutting, I found a little dark spot on a green bean. Then I did not want to eat that part, so I just cut it off the float obscure part from the fresh green parts. I saw weird light green things moving inside of the green bean. Because my eyes are bad, I thought I mistook to see the moving things. I tried to put down the dark part, and cut off the next one. Suddenly, a green caterpillar came out from the dark green bean. Then the green caterpillar looked at me and then said “Hello”. I was almost screaming, but I did not because the kitchen was at dorm. I was freezing 10seconds while I hold the green bean. Then I looked it again the caterpillar was still there. It was very small, but tried to move very hard. I really hate all bags, but this time, I felt its life force.

If Icould change one thing about myself, what would it be?

I want to change everything myself. However, it is impossible to change all of me. One thing that I want to change is guessing something. I cannot see or think without guessing. When I talk with someone, I always guess what they think and feeling during a talk with me. I worried to think how I look from other people. When I talk with one of my best friends, she points out about I am too much thinking. I often have mistakes, because I do action though my thoughts. I need a long time to think hard if a problem is serious. I should think something simply more than now. If I solve the problem, this is a step up of my growing.

My dog

For my dog

I have a cute dog which name is Goma. He is 10 years old. He came to my house when I was 10 years old, so I grow up with him. My favorite part of him is his eyes. He always looks at me with his goodly sweet and cute eyes. He has the power to heal my family, and he could get our stress off. When I go back to my house, my little dog runs to the entrance of my house, and he uses his tiny feet hardly. When my sister and my mother have a quarrel, he always jumps in the middle of them. Then he tries to stop their fight. His favorite thing is blue soft pillow which he always uses when he wants to relax. He cannot to sleep without the blue pillow. Therefore if, the blue pillow is washed, and dried outside, he would go to outside, and he asks me to take the pillow down to him.

How was SE? What did I learned/discover durig this course?


This class makes my first step of my English learning. Before I take this class and the first few weeks, I am stress to think about the blog and published writing. It is because I do not like writing, and I hesitate to show my poor English to everyone. However, these days, I like to find a topic to write a blog more than before.

I wrote three pieces such as travel log, short story and letter. This is the first time to make a story in English, and look at who I am. Therefore, I was hard to choose appropriate word and express my feeling at the same time.

I was so nervous to talk in front of classmates, and talk in English. However, I had a good experience to know myself with writing 20 blogs and three pieces. In addition, I have a chance to know my friends.

Still now, I am not good at writing with using English. However, I learned the most of important is how to have a persuasive communication by writing. If I want to say something or share with other people, I do not have to hesitate. I just say and write whatever you want. I do not have to think deeply about what others think about me. Just write! Just try it!
I will take theme writing next term. It is exciting from now to write.

Thank you very much Mark! and everyone!




Black color is contrast of white. If I drop one black on a white paper, it is hard to take it off. If I try to clean the black spot, the spot can be change to gray gradually. However, the black is impossible to take off perfectly. Black always uses for sad, dark and scary in general. For me, black is fancy color, which is fashionable color of all color. I do not wear clothes one unifies color from top to bottom except black. Black makes me feel adult. I always look younger than my actual age. Therefore, I tried to look cool and older. For me, black color makes me fit to my proper age. In addition, black color is easy to fit any other colors. Sometimes, I use it with feeling cool. Black color showed other color advantage. Therefore, it always stands behind and shadow of other colors. However, I love the black color the most.


What do I like to do?

 I like to sleep and sleep in bed with a soft and fluffy quilt. I like my bed, but I am able to sleep anywhere. Especially when I ride on vehicle, after five minutes later, I have fall sleep on a sheet. There are many people who cannot sleep, even they take medicine. However, I am unable to escape from drowsy, even I have too much homework to do. Sometimes, I lost my memory, and I lie on bed when I wake up. Therefore, these days, I cannot do homework all night. Now, I am buried in pile of homework, and just go to the bed after I was done homework. When there is no homework, I like to something before I sleep in bed. For instance, I listen to music, read a book, inspect of clothes with magazine, watch movie. Therefore I always keep my bed comfortable for hobbies. In fact I sleep fast when I go bed, so I don’t enjoy reading, listening, and watching that I leave things unfinished all. I always take time for sleep after I had dinner. For me, sleep nough and keep confortable bed is important. If I cut time for sleep, my energy become low for a whole day. Therefore, I need to have enough sleep even I have a ton of homework pile on my desk. The actity of sleep importantly affects my life.  

What 's my reaction to Movie?

The movie “Megumi”

Two weeks ago, I watched the movie “Megumi”. This movie made American supervision, and chased the life of parents of Megumi.
The movie was about the problem of abducted in North Korea. A lot of Japanese abducted in North Korea. The incident was planned by Kim Jong-il. He wanted to integrate North Korea and South Korea. Then he will be monopolistic of two countries. However, North Korea and South Korea are different country, and North people are not able to go to the South. Therefore, North people have to pretend to someone whose nationality is out of North Korea. That is why many Japanese have abducted by North Korean. It was about what was happening since 1990. The first person was abducted to North Korea. The government did not listen to the voice from a victim and relate the people with victim. The government avoided from this accident long time. Since 2002, the president in Japan changed to Mr. Koizumi, media light spot to the abduct incident. Still now, this incident is a huge problem in Japan. Ten years ago, five abduction people came back to Japan from North Korea. However, still a lot of people live in there.

After I watched this movie “Megumi”, the incident was clear. Also the image from media affected a lot to a nation.

When I think what I can do to the victim and relative with victim, I feel too small. I am not able to change the government, not able to change the system of Japan. Therefore, I must not forget about the incident forever, because the problem is still continuing now. Also after I got the information, I can spread what I learned to people who surrounding me.

What do I want my obituary to say?

Saaya Matsui, resident of Japan, passed away on January 10th 2037, at the age of 65, at her house. The cause of her death was to eat too much ice cream.

Ms. Matsui was born on January 9, 1992, in Sydney, Australia. After two months later, she moved to Japan, and grown up with her parents, and two elder sisters in Chiba.
Before she died, she granted her dream that she wish since she was a university student in ICU. It was about a one lap trip in the world with her husband after he retired his job. When she became 30 years old, she scratched a lottery on the same day of her birthday. She got a chance of fortune that was a billion dollar, and then donates money and goods for persons from underprivileged on the way of travel. That money used for her wish. After she came back to Japan from trip, she turned 63. She spent her two years more life with her wonderful husband. She was interested to work and learn about minority people by usual days. Therefore she really hoped to contribute for minority people. Trip might be glad for her, because she contributed for people, and had chance to met people from various countries.

She was survived by her parents, two sisters, her husband, two children and two grandchildren. At Ms Matsui’s request, the funeral will be held in dream country. It will be very gorgeous, because there will be lot of colorful flowers surrounded her coffin, and inside of coffin was full of sweets and pictures. In addition, chocolate smell in the funeral, and pop western music for her no getting sad.


What's my view about religion?


There are a lot of meanings included in this word. For me, someone who has religion, it means who believes of god. My family is not line of believe in religion. Therefore, I ever think that god look at me and save me and everything for me.

Last Friday, I participated in the Christian club called “worship night”. This was the first time for me to see a clue, persons who believe god deeply. We sang songs of god, and thought of god and believed of god. For me, this was a new world that I never step in it. It was hard for me to think about go with believe in deeply. All songs were for god, and the whole time believers thanked for god. I envied them for believing someone deeply. It is because very nice for religious people fells unwavering trust. I always believe whoever says their opinion with persuasion, and then it became what I am a trust. From this experience, I felt there are many people in the world, and the all people must have a different idea each other. However, there are people who trust in the same article. I could not believe in god deeply, but I felt that to trust for someone or something is very admirable act when you lost in your way. It is because they will adjust in your way to right place.

What does "love" mean to me?


To explain about “LOVE” is difficult for me. So I am going to list words and sentences up that I came up in my mind.

Open a heart.
Have a strong power more than “like”.
Cannot change to the other thing.

All people must “LOVE” someone. At the same time, everyone is loved by someone. In this world, there are brimming with lots of “LOVE”. It is just four letters, not suitable for persuasion to express my feeling. However, “LOVE” is possible to tell how much you fell for a person you want to say. “LOVE” make us peace.


who is my favorite model?         

     My favorite model is Jessica Alba. She is the top model and actor in the United States. She is 31 years old, and has two babies. However she is very sexy and beautiful. I like her very much. Her fashion style is pretty fancy. Even her face is younger than her age; she looks adult with her nice cloths. It is hard for me to select clothes by whether, hair, face and so on. However she knows the condition where she is now. Whenever I see her, I always think I want to be like her. Therefore I study her fashion style, and buy clothes something similar with her clothes. I understand I am not Jessica, and cannot be perfect like her. However, I love to seeing her magazine and facebook, then manipulate with her fashion coordinate.

What do I hate more than anything?




This is what I hate. I do not like rushing by something. Since I was a little, my mother said I am spending time leisurely every time. This is me, and I do not want to change a person who is always rushing. However, sometimes I have to rushing during I take a test. There is time limit taking a test. I always take whole time that teacher specified for taking test. Therefore When I take a test, always spend a physical strength twice as every day. Sometimes, someone says I have finished a test just 10 minutes. For me, there is only few times that I finished something 1/2 time of teacher is specified. One of my friend, she always start a report a day before due day with staying up all night. For me, it is impossible to finish up everything only one night. I never get a good grate when I completed something only one night. It is because I am desperate to finish up the report, not focus on contents. In addition I have to turn in the paper with some mistakes and it is superficial. An irony, I could not finish up something if there is no limit. I do not start a report until a teacher tells me a due day. Therefore I hate rushing to do something, but I need a limit to finish up for something.

What is happiness to me?



              “Happiness” is very abstraction word, and there is no answer how to get happiness. Nobody must not estimate other people how much they are happy. It is depend on the people. There are huge numbers of rich people in the world. In the other hand, a lot of wealth people also live in this world. It is not true, all persons feel happy if they have amount of money. In addition, it is an inaccurate that all of poor people are unhappy. The number one “Gross National Happiness” world is in Bhutan. The data of national census about happiness, 45.1%of nations answered “ I am very happy”, and then 51.6%of people say “I am happy”. Comparison of GDP as Japan, a person of GDP is 14 hundred million dollars in Bhutan. For Japan, a person of GDP is 212 hundred dollars for an average of Japanese.     

              When I visited to Indonesia, I met a lot of poor people who do not have enough food. I was hard to realize about their smiling face if they did not take sustainable life. A n old woman was sitting under the blue vinyl sheet, and watched TV which she found it somewhere. She was smiling while she was watching TV.

              I did not want to comparison with other people of my happiness. However I realize my happiness when I compared to others such I did in Indonesia. I must not decide who happiness is and who is not; because it is depend on the person. When I saw the woman in Indonesia who stays in vinyl sheet, I realized I am happiness. Unfortunately I did not understand how happy I could eat enough food as much as I want, buy clothes as much as I want, studying as much as I want, talk with my friends and family as much as I want and so on.

              There is no answer on this question. And also hard to explain what is happiness to me. One thing that I could say about happy. When I feel happy, I am happy. Happiness cannot express by one word.   


What are my greatest strengths and weakness?

          First of all, I am not a perfect person and always struggle for everything that I do. Therefore finding my strengths was hard for me to think more than thinking of my weakness.

Weakness: hard to remember someone’s name
      I am not good at remember someone’s name. Start something new, I always meet new people such as entrance the university, belong to the club. Actually I am not bad for remember faces of new persons, therefore a lot of people, I remember where I met them. I know a face, and remember where I met them, so really want to call them, and talk to them again not done with only once. When they walk somewhere the distance near from me, I can be able to say just “hey” for them. It is possible to pretend I know them. However if there are more than 5m distance between us, I have to act calling someone who I want to talk with. The most confused name is that order is similar, but not exactly the same. All people have name, it is identity for everyone. Making mistake name is rude that might be hart for someone. If there is a knack to solve it, I would like to know and try for new people.

Strength: active person, curiosity

There are terrifyingly curious matters in the world. Curious buildings, people, history, scenery make stimulated me every day in my life. I meet new things every day even I spend time only in ICU site for three days. I like time when I walk outside with my friends, and enjoy seeing scenery, because each friend have each different opinion that focus on different attention as me. I have only one point of view. Therefore those opinions are very new for me and interested to know. One thing that I have to careful, have less interested something that I am totally uninterested matters.

I would like to improve my strength more, and get some good resolve for weakness, then have to act politely.


My memory of an event   

     My memory of an event. Last week, there was dorm vaudeville. All dorms were an enthusiasm for the day. Because we did pretty hard on this, we would get a prize that is useful material for living in dorm. And we have a good chance to know each person’s character. The main people are 16 students and 15 students. For my dorm, 15 students made up the story following by an theme which is Anpanman this year. In fact the story was our dorm original, therefore little different as original Anpanman story. I entered 4th woman’s dorm since this month. So I performed with 16 students, did not thinking and made up the story with 15 students. Anyway, I was in the role of Rollpanna. Her character was similar as melonpanna who is melon bread in Anpanman. Two of them are missing something. Therefore some flowers on their head every time. They always keep saying “あれー”, “うーん” peculiar. Then my role was to give some advice to breads who had a very low spirits on their identity.

This is the picture of my dorm members who performed Anpanman.

This is Rollpanna.

We started to practice for a month, three or four times a week. While the practice, I felt long practice; however, after done with practice, I feel the time passed really fast. For our dorm, got dance prize and takoyaki machine. We consider to plane for having takoyaki party. This was my first memorial event that I have shared with my dorm mates. From this event, I renewed to think, cooperation and enthusiasm for one thing with many people that make grown up people.


If I had a billion yen, What would I use it for?

If I have a billion yen, I would use it for trip go around the world. I love seeing something I never seen and different as Japan. I think it might be a big difference only reading a book about other countries and go there, and look with my eyes. It is exactly express a proverb " seeing is believing".  It is true, because there are a lot of reputation and sometimes media express about other countries an exaggeration. I would like to see and get by my side that stand on the same field with the country where I go. I might have a good experinece that I can not be able to tell by camera.

On the way to go around the world, I would like to meet people as much as I can. Then I will donate some money for people who is starveling by some reasons, such as a family problem, a government problem and so on.

If I had a billion yen, I would like to use for myself, and also be useful for other people who needs support.   


What are my favorite quotations?

I have two favorite quotes.

“Difficulties make you a jewel”
I love this quote because it expresses my life. When this quote showed up on TV, I did not watch TV carefully, because I was exhausted and tired to do everything. Suddenly, this quote was coming on TV, and then my eyes were opened widely.       Unfortunately I had no time to write down who made this quote for me. (In fact, she did not write it for me.) Even now I remember what was going on this moment and big impressed me. Sometimes, I forget events of sadness and happiness quickly; however, it is hard to get off from my memories. In my life, I have a lot of experiences with lots of awesome people behind some difficulties. Not all of memories are propitious for me, but make sure that all of memories affect in my future for a good way. I hope all difficulties make my life a jewel.

“When you’re stressed, you eat Ice cream, chocolate and sweets. YOU KNOW WHY? Because “stressed” spelled backwards Is “Desserts”
This quote seems extremely sweet. My mother sent this quote on my email. At that time, I was buried by a pile of homework and something for club’s stuff. This quote did not solve my problems; however, it made me feel calm down.

I have a lots more favorite quotes, but those two are best expression in my these days life.   


What is the most precious thing in my life?

There are lots of precious thing in my life. Therefore I am hard to decide the number one thing. Of course, my family, boyfriend, dog, friends, some teachers are precious people who affect in my entire life. However my pink color ipod is significant thing that is unable to change anything. My two older sisters gave me it when I got seven-teen years old on my birthday. Whenever I feel happy, I always listen to pleasant songs that make me feel good mood. When I feel sad, I listen to calm and quiet songs or happy songs. I put many English speaking songs and texts for English test.


Who am I? How would I answer that question?

I am Saaya Matsui. I am a youngest person in my family, which means there are three girl’s children in my family. Sometimes, we have a girl’s meeting including my mother. At that time, we are going shopping together, because we love shopping very much. Most of the time on weekend, I play soccer at ICU ground with mate. I just started to play soccer since I entered in college. My position is the same as Miyama who is one of the people in Nadeshiko team. Almost 4 times, I went and watched the matches of Nadeshiko. I have to watch as much as I can do for thinking about menu of our practicing. Because I practice a lot, my skin gets darker and darker. Anyway, I am small and unable to tackle a person; therefore I am doing the best at side half with using running skill.
In addition, I love reading a fashion magazine. If I have free time, I always read it as much time as I can spend time for it. I imitate wearing and buying clothes from reading magazines especially U.S one.


Why did I decide to take this class?Do I like to write?Why or Why not?

This class was my first choice among the sophomore English courses. It is because thinking about myself is not easy, and also becuase I have never focused on myself or who I am. In addition if  I am able to strongly appeal myself to others whenever I have to show and explain myself. That is why I thought it would be very convinient and useful in my everyday life.

My writing is not perfect all especially essays. However I am interested in seeing someone's blog or commenting on faceboook. Therefore I will do my best in this class by writing some jornals and essays and practice a variety of writing methods.
Because I do not like to write, it is difficult for me to make beautiful sentences while using a wide range of vocabulary.